
  • Check out Pyrotek @ Paradigm Shift NZ

    Have a look below, our very own Sean Dickie and team are famous as they take part in the Wellington Paradigm Shift - New Zealand's leading industry event for architects and designers.Specifiers unite as they learn about the best building materials and technology available. Iconic architecture projects seek to include the best, and it's...

  • Tapes

    Tape GC, Tape GCM-120, Tape AGC, Tape ALR, Tape MVT and Tape MylarTape GC is a pressure sensitive thermal insulation joining tape with a glass cloth face and a self-adhesive backing which is protected by a silicone release paper for an easy peel-and-stick application. It's especially suited to tape edges...

  • Building

    Designed to provide high-level acoustic performance in commercial and industrial buildings, cosmetic and environmental factors have been allowed for in the product construction for use in building and construction, right through to internal surface finishes. Pyrotek products can substantially reduce noise levels in multi-level buildings, solver outdoor noise, and infrastructure noise impact....